Word 1: Restful (REST fuhl)
Meaning: Peaceful and quiet in a way that makes you relax
Example Sentence: After a very hectic fortnight , we had a restful weekend.

Word 2: Restive (RES tiv)
Meaning: Unable to remain still, silent,
Example Sentence: The restive audience was becoming noisy.

Word 3:Restless (REST lis)
Meaning 1: Unable to rest or relax as a result of anxiety or boredom.
Example Sentence: The children became restless when stopped from going out to play.

Meaning 2: Having little or no rest or sleep.
Example Sentence: The patient had a very restless night.

Meaning 3: Continuously in motion.
Example Sentence: The ship tossed on the restless sea.

Example Sentence using all the words:
Having spent a restive night, turning restlessly on the bed due to the thunder, the morning dawned restful and calm with the birds chirping merrily.

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