CAT @ Wordpandit

RC: Passage 9

reading comprehensions for CAT

  • Reading comprehension involves a proof reading of a passage of about 300 – 1000 words and answering the questions that follow.
  • RC forms an important part of the verbal ability section. This section mainly focuses on to check the ability to understand the language and the underlying concept of the passage. The main focus should be to have a good command over the language as well as time management.
  • Make sure you attempt these passage on a regular basis and with complete seriousness.
  • Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
  • Once you are finished, click the ‘Get Results’ button below. Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect.

Like most teenagers, I dreamed of one day having my name in lights. And perhaps an interview with National Geographic, for my work with Rwanda’s apes. Maybe an Oscar for my portrayal as a feisty heroine in an epic drama preferably set in India. Or a Nobel Prize for poetry, which ‘I’d collect in Stockholm wearing a black turtleneck. Suffice to say, none of these has come true. I prefer dogs to gorillas. My poetry is used to line the bottom of my drawer, and I’ve never been to India. Sure, as a writer, I get my name in the occasional glow of a nine-point byline, but the difference between Oscars and Nobels and Helvetica typeface is that the former are all about me; the latter is by me. With the advent of the internet, all that has changed. Like most users, I am a gratuitous Googler, squandering valuable work time looking up invaluable topics such as how to clean my dog’s teeth, how to cook Risotto, and, myriad medical ailments, including tough heels (definitely cancer), lumps on elbows (certainly cancer) and easy bruising (absolutely cancer). But among these endless searches will be a valuable constant: my own name, Helen Walne. In the great scheme of things, I am not very important. I have never been medically paroled from jailed, I haven’t gone to rehab and I am not about to marry a famous celebrity. My husband has gently suggested that I seek psychological help for my addiction. I google myself every day. And yes, there are times when, like a bulimic digging into a second bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken, I feel out of control, gorging on blogs, images and news and glimpses of myself.

In cyber space, there is no such thing as big fish in little ponds, or little fish in big ponds. Instead, it’s one swirling, bubbling swamp of amoebae all gasping for their own gulp of air. And for ego surfers, it’s important we float on the surface. Research has found that 47% of Internet users have performed self-googling more than double the number who did so fiveyears ago. I have realized that like wine, watching soap operas and eating pizza, moderation is the key to virtual vanity – and keeping it to yourself paramount. When you start dabbling in the competitive realms of rival surfing, you are sure to start sinking under the flotsam of self doubt. There is always someone out there with a higher ranking, a better picture, a bigger job.

Reading Comprehension: Passage 9

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Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
According to the passage, the author A. received an Oscar for her portrayal as a feisty heroine in an epic drama. B. feels that moderation is the key to well being in cyber space. C. feels that she is the centre of all she checks in the net.
A, B and C are correct
A and B are correct
B and C are correct
A and C are correct
Question 1 Explanation: 
Statements B and C are correct. Statement A is the author’s imagination. She dreamt of getting an Oscar but she did receive it in reality. Thus, the answer is option C (B and C correct).
Question 2
It can be inferred from the passage that:
You have gone too far when you start googling your name multiple times daily
Competitive rival surfing is the best way to increase your self esteem
Being addicted to self-googling is the way forward in the 21st century
The advent of the internet has helped in creating 'a somebody' out of 'a nobody'
Question 2 Explanation: 
According to the passage, Googling your name multiple times a day is not normal and means you have got addicted. It is a disorder requiring psychological help. So option (A) is the answer. Other sentences are factually incorrect.
Question 3
According to the passage:
Helen Walne is a patient of cancer
Helen Walne is a megabyte megalomaniac
Helen Walne thinks that constant rival surfing is the best way to improve self worth
Helen Walne is a conscientious worker
Question 3 Explanation: 
Megalomaniac is someone obsessed with himself, a conceited and self-centered person. Since the author is addicted to googling herself on internet, she is a megabite megalomaniac. So answer s option (B). All other options are factually incorrect.
Question 4
According to the passage, all of the following are not true, except:
Helen Walne received a prize wearing a turtle neck
Helen Walne's husband feels she needs help to get out of her addiction
In reality, there is not much difference in the number of internet users performing self-googling than it was five years ago.
Rival surfing is good for one’s well-being.
Question 4 Explanation: 
Options (a), (b), and (d) clearly contradict the information provided in the passage. Option (b) can be derived from the lines: My husband has gently suggested that I seek psychological help for my addiction. I google myself every day.
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