CAT @ Wordpandit

RC (Level-1): Passage-21

Reading comprehension for CAT


As civilization proceeds in the direction of technology, it passes the points of supplying all the basic essentials of life, food, shelter, cloth, and warmth. Then we are faced with a choice between using technology to provide and fulfil needs which have hitherto been regarded as unnecessary or, on the other hand, using technology to reduce the number of hours of work which a man must do in order to earn a given standard of living. In other words, we either raise our standard of living above that necessary for comfort and happiness or we leave it at this level and work shorter hours. I shall take it as axiomatic that mankind has, by that time, chosen the latter alternative. Men will be working shorter and shorter hours in their paid employment.

RC (Level-1) Passage-21

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Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
Refer to the lines: "Then we are faced with a choice ...". What does 'then' refer to in the given sentence?
When automation takes over many aspects of human life
The present state of civilization
The past stage of civilization
After having provided the basic essentials of life
Question 1 Explanation: 
As mentioned in the first line of the passage ‘As civilization proceeds in the direction of technology, it passes the points of supplying all the basic essentials of life, food, shelter, cloth, and warmth.’ The reference to ‘then’ in this case refers to the point in civilization wherein all the basic essentials have been provided.
Question 2
What does the passage suggest about the use of technology?
It creates new and essential needs for mankind
It is opposed to the basic essentials of life
It is complementary to a raised standard of living
It is responsible for man's love of comfort and happiness
Question 2 Explanation: 
The author does talk about the new needs created by technology but he does not refer to them as essential. So, option (a) is eliminated. Option (b) is eliminated as it does not find a mention in the passage. Option (c) finds an indirect mention in the concluding lines, hence is the right answer.
Question 3
What does the author mean by the word ‘axiomatic’ in the given passage?
without any evidence
evident without proof or argument
proved with help of idioms
none of the above
Question 3 Explanation: 
The word ‘axiomatic’ means ‘evident without proof or argument’.
Question 4
What does the author suggest?
Man will gradually rise above his present stage in civilization
Man will gradually settle down to the same stage with fewer hours of work
Man will gradually raise his standard of living by working longer hours
Man will gradually earn a given standard of living with the help of technology
Question 4 Explanation: 
The answer can be derived from the lines: Then we are faced with a choice between using technology to provide and fulfil needs which have hitherto been regarded as unnecessary or, on the other hand, using technology to reduce the number of hours of work which a man must do in order to earn a given standard of living. Option (b) is the direct answer that can be derived from the given context.
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