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Phrasal Verbs: sell

Phrasal Verbs: sell

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Question 1
For the context provided, select the most appropriate sentence.
The shopkeeper sold off the excess stock at 50% discount.
The shopkeeper sold of the excess stock at 50% discount.
Question 1 Explanation: 
The correct expression is “sell off” which means to sell a business or part of it or sell something cheaply because you need the money or don't need it.
Question 2
For the context provided, select the most appropriate sentence.
The salesman managed to sell him on buying the new product.
The salesman managed to sell him for buying the new product.
Question 2 Explanation: 
The correct expression is “sell on” which means to convince someone.
Question 3
For the context provided, select the most appropriate sentence.
The entry passes for the NH7 weekender sold out in a couple of days.
The entry passes for the NH7 weekender sold off in a couple of days.
Question 3 Explanation: 
The correct expression is “sold out” which means to have no more of something left because it has been bought.
Question 4
For the context provided, select the most appropriate sentence.
Sam sold up everything and moved to a different country.
Sam sold out everything and moved to a different country.
Question 4 Explanation: 
The correct expression is “sold up” which means to Sell a house or business to move somewhere or do something different.
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