CAT @ Wordpandit

OB Question a Day-3

CAT Question a day

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Oliveboard Question of the day

If A = 200
B = A – 99
C = A + B – 98
D = A + B + C – 97 and so on upto Z.

Find the value of 2-25(Z+1)


  1. 50
  2. 51
  3. 26
  4. None of these


Solution posted below. Click on the plus sign to view the solution.

Answer and Explanation

Answer key: 2

A = 200

B = 101

C = 203

D = 407

E = 815

This way we see that for the nth English alphabet (where n>1), the value is (2n-2 x 100) + (2n-1 – 1).

So, Z = (224x100) + (225-1) So, Z + 1 = (224x100) + (225-1) + 1 = 225(50 + 1)

So, 2-25(Z+1) = 2-25 x 225(50 + 1)

= 51

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