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OB Question a Day-2

CAT Question a day

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Oliveboard Question of the day

Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C) and (D) to make a meaningful paragraph and accordingly select the correct option.

A. After all, if inauthenticity is our shared fate and all social encounters are unavoidably performative, on what grounds can anyone call out another’s acts of cultural deception?
B. Never before in history, one could argue, have individuals been so acutely conscious of the extent to which personhood is performed, especially when one is constantly swiping through social media platforms in order to monitor, with fussy custodial care, the dazzle and sheen of an online persona.
C. “So how can you know a person?”
D. This existential slipperiness of personhood is one reason why the art critic Dan Fox, in his new book-length essay Pretentiousness: Why It Matters, feels justified in debunking the rhetoric of “pretension,” a word that is typically leveled as a pejorative.


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Answer and Explanation

Answer: Option (A) In Sentence D, we talk about the essay “Pretentiousness” which means “attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed”.

Also, this sentence mentions that the author of the essay has debunked the rhetoric of “Pretension” (which means the same as “Pretentiousness”) .

Sentence A supports the author by mentioning that being inauthentic, ie being pretentious is our shared fate. Hence, DA forms a pair.

So, we can eliminate Options 2, 4 and 5. Sentence B introduces the topic of “Personhood” and then Sentence C asks ““So how can you know a person?”.

Clearly, BC forms another pair.

So, Option 1 is correct.

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