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Editor’s Pick: November 1 to 7

What is ‘Editor’s Pick’?
In the most precise editorial language, it is a selection of the week’s best articles, condensed and reviewed for our users. Is this section of any good when we already provide daily reads to our users? Well, it most definitely is. The articles featured here will add to your knowledge bank as well as help you become better readers. Happy reading!

Article 1: : Rushdie’s magical realism is perhaps lost in translation

The first piece is both a personal narrative and an excellent review of the recently released movie Midnight’s Children , based on the novel by Salman Rushdie with the same name. The writer has used the conversation between him and his movie companion to bring out the missing elements in the movie, lost due to its adaptation from a novel. It states the movie being poignant only for people who have read the book, and discusses other intricate details regarding the making of the movie, along with the mistakes made by Rushdie in the production and script –writing of the movie. The concluding part of the article gives credit to Deepa Mehta, the director of the movie for her work and talent.

Article 2: : A week in the life of a novice feminist

This one is a blog article, a long piece from a feminist website in which the writer has chronicled a week of her life to bring out the sexual discrimination faced by a lady in today’s society in various forms and at various levels. The article begins by talking about gender inequality, feminism and other related topics, along with few parts about writer’s personal life. Advancing, the writer aptly uses the seven days of week to depict her life and the not-so-amicable disposition of society towards her, highlighting her realizations of the world being partial to men. The days specifically bring out the unjust acts and attitudes of her family, friends and colleagues. The article’s unique quality is that it is a narrative, and not an essay, and the uses the everyday life of a woman to bring out the feminist message. The concluding part explains what feminism means to the writer and her future plans for contribution to the movement of feminism.

Article 3: : Modern science can be pursued by any believer

The last one is a short article in question-answer form with S.Irfan Habib, a historian of science and political history. It talks about his research on science and Islam, bringing out the misinterpretations that have been formed about Islam. Sir Irfan in the dialogue states science to be an integral part of Islam, giving historical evidence for the same, and clarifying the misconceptions about modern science and religion, explain the status of science in different parts of the world and its exact relation with Islam.

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