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Editor’s Pick: February 15 to 21

What is ‘Editor’s Pick’?

In the most precise editorial language, it is a selection of the week’s best articles, condensed and reviewed for our users. Is this section of any good when we already provide daily reads to our users? Well, it most definitely is. The articles featured here will add to your knowledge bank as well as help you become better readers. Happy reading!

Article 1: Twitter could be worth $11 billion as it prepares to go public in 2014

Twitter is preparing to go public in 2014 and could already be worth $11 billion according to a report by Greencrest. The value of twitter has been estimated on the basis of trading in the secondary market. While on one front facebook’s shares are on the decline by 26% and Zynga by 75%, twitter’s this step may result in fetching more bucks for the company.

Article 2: Nine ways successful people defeat stress

The article states that people often find themselves under lot of work pressure such ultimately leads to unwanted stress. And the only reason that can be traced behind this s the modern workplace. The author presents nine scientifically proven strategies for defeating stress and its consequences.

Article 3: What you need to know about sugar

The author of the article gave a lecture on the toxic effects of sugar on the body in 2009. His lecture video has three million views on Youtube. Here, the author presents five myths about sugar and some important distinctions about how our body processes it in different forms. The first being that carbohydrate is a carbohydrate, all of them having same calories. And the last being that fructose is natural, so it cannot of poisonous.

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