Everybody: Is it singular or plural?

Well, when you say everybody, it sounds and means that you are addressing any people at once. And, when there are many people involved, it automatically becomes plural pronoun. However, it is not true, everybody/everyone, according to the grammar rules is singular and...

That versus Which

Grammatically speaking: THAT should be used to introduce a restrictive clause. WHICH should be used to introduce a non-restrictive or parenthetical clause. But what does this mean? A restrictive clause is an element of the sentence that cannot be deleted, because it...

‘Concur in’ vs. ‘Concur with’

Identify the correct answer for the question given below: I don’t know ___________________ run for office. (A) that I concur in your decision to try to (B) that I concur with your decision to try to Confused with it should be ‘in’ or ‘with’? Well, the answer is...

See vs. Watch vs. Look

Confused when to use these words? Well, let’s simplify your confusion: SEE: We see something static, unmoving. We also see the things around us, perhaps without paying much attention to them. LOOK: We look at something in order to pay more attention to its appearance....

Sometimes, Some Time, and Sometime

There are some word combinations in English that can be quite a pain in the ass. One such combination is of the following three: sometime some time sometimes Let’s approach these three in a simple and direct manner (with an example of each highlighting the...

Like versus As

Well, before we actually get to the difference, let’s start with a quote about Grammar: Arguments over grammar and style are often as fierce as those over IBM versus Mac, and as fruitless as Coke versus Pepsi and boxers versus briefs.- Jack Lynch Grammar differences...
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