Principal vs. Principle

These two words appear more often confounding to most of us but they aren’t and the best way to remember them is framing the words into their mnemonics. In my opinion, mnemonic-aids are the BEST OPTION to memorise words easily and fix them into your mind for...

Anyone vs. Any one

The problem of this ‘one’ can be quite a problem actually! When to use which form can perplex a lot of people. So in order to reduce your confusion, we bring this simple post to you: anyone vs. any one. This set of words actually consists of two different grammatical...

Among Vs Between

Among and Between: A subtle difference Usage of Between: Between is used for two persons or things. For Example: 1. Distribute these sweets between the two children. 2. There is a good understanding between him and her. Usage of Among Among is used for more than two...

Beside vs Besides

This is a small post, illustrating the difference between ‘beside’ and ‘besides’. Beside: The word beside is a preposition. It means ‘close to’ or ‘next to’. It also has  a second meaning: ‘compared with’. Examples for beside: Can you sit...

Licence Vs License

As they say, English is a funny language and we could not agree any less when it comes to confusions such as the one between ‘licence’ and ‘license’. You must be wondering what difference can a single ‘c’ and ‘s’ make? Well, if you are a grammar fanatic, the wrong...

A While Vs. Awhile

One of our readers, Maninder, recently wrote to us and asked a simple question: ‘When to use a while and awhile? I seem to using one when the other is required and vice-versa.” Well, the difference is an easy one but we just seem to forget it every now and then. A...
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