Words in Use

words in use in print, in newspapers etc.

Which words should I study?
Wordlists feature a number of words, which ones are in use?
What kind of words appear in usage?

Troubled with these questions? Do not know which words you should learn? Well, we simplify that problem for you: the words in use are featured in the posts on this page. These are words that are culled from daily newspapers columns, editorials, online magazines etc. Featuring about 50 words a week, this post gives you an in-depth look at the words floating around us. You would begin to see that in some time, words start making a repeat appearance.

How to use this section?
Well, the first step is going through all the lists, which are posted on a weekly basis. We plan to update this section for one year, and at the end of it, we will compile the one massive list of words that are in current use. Till then what you can do is keep referring to the list of words that are put up in the blog for this week, and try to analyze how many of these words do you know. For the list of words you cull from this section, explore exact dictionary definitions, word-roots and mnemonics. These tools would help you learn these words and make sure you use these words on a regular basis, else they would soon disappear from the shelves of your memory.

List for this week
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