Profit vs Prophet – Confused between Profit or Prophet?

Want to learn the difference Profit and Prophet? Profit vs Prophet is an interesting comparison and you should most certainly. Learn the difference between these two words.
We teach you when to use profit and when to use prophet.

Word 1:Profit (PRAHF it)
Meaning 1: The advantage gained from doing something
Example Sentence: There is tremendous profit gained from having a good education.

Meaning 2: Money made by running a business, or in an investment.
Example Sentence: The company made a record profit this year.

Meaning 3: A valuable return.
Example Sentence: The small island profits from tourism.

Word 2:Prophet (PRAHF it)
Meaning 1: One who utters divinely inspired revelations.
Example Sentence: People believed in the sayings of the prophets of the Old Testament.

Meaning 2: A person who states that something will happen in the future
Example Sentence: The stock market prophets are predicting a correction in the market.

Meaning 3: The writers of the books of the Bible
Example Sentence: The prophet was revered for his teachings.

Example Sentence using both words:
The prophets of the financial world are able to garner great profits for themselves.

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