Difference Between Climacteric,Climactic and ClimaticClimacteric carries the following meanings:
1. a. A period of life characterized by physiological and psychic change that marks the end of the reproductive capacity of women and terminates with the completion of menopause.
b. A corresponding period sometimes occurring in men that may be marked by a reduction in sexual activity, although fertility is retained.
2. A critical period or year in a person’s life when major changes in health or fortune are thought to take place: “It is a fact: when you turn 40, you are entering the climacteric period of your life.”
Climactic means Relating to or constituting a climax: “Human beings have always envisaged a climatic bad between good and evil.”
Climatic means influenced by or resulting from the prevailing weather conditions: “Climatic changes brought about by global warming are inevitable.”

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