Your Prep Dose for the Day

This is a comprehensive daily course run by us (almost on a daily basis), wherein we post study links according to the various sections in the CAT exam. All you have got to do is visit this page regularly, and consume the study links given here. Happy Learning..:)

CAT preparation for Verbal Ability

Verbal Prep: Comprehensive Coverage of All Areas

Preparing for CAT English is not a straight-forward task, and you need expert guidance to help you along the way. What we have done here is listed resources from all areas that form the core of the CAT English section and provided resources for those. The focus topics for the second month are Vocabulary, Reading, Basic Grammar and Usage. We have divided resources on our Wordpandit Learning Network in these categories and provided you the links here:

Reading Suggestions: Daily Reads-39 (Level-1)
Reading Suggestions: Daily Reads-39 (Level-2)

Vocabulary Basics Practice Test : Vocabulary Basics: Antonyms Test-19
Verbal Ability Test : Idioms-and-Phrases Test 9
Vocabulary Blog:Words Based on Root ‘Phile’ -1

Usage Tips:

Phrasal Verbs:

CAT preparation for QA, LR and DI

Quant Target Topic for the Month: Arithmetic

The second month of the plan brings with a new topic for Mathematics: Arithmetic.  The first month was about ‘Number System’, the second month is about the second pillar of basic mathematics, ‘Arithmetic’. Articles, Topic Tests and Level-wise tests have been provided for Arithmetic. Arithmetic on Wordpandit consists of  Articles, Topic Tests (60+ )and Level-wise tests (30) . During the course of Month-2, we will be covering the concepts and topic tests for the first half of Arithmetic. This way, the complete concepts and tests are covered in a duration of 60 days.

Arithmetic Concepts: Compound Interest Examples, Calculations & Applications
Arithmetic Topic Test: Arithmetic: Compound Interest Test –3
Arithmetic Topic Test: Arithmetic: Compound Interest Test -4

Data Interpretation: DI Level-2: Set 9
Logical Reasoning: LR Level-2: Set 9

Basic Maths:

Since this is the second month of the Prep-plan, it makes sense to continue with the focus on Basic Maths Skills. For this, we feature two types of content: Basic Maths Tests (these would remind you of school and are a check for how well you studied back then) and Puzzles (to help you develop your analytical skills).

Basic Maths: Test 39

Puzzle: Puzzle-39

CAT preparation for Vocabulary

Vocabulary Builder for CAT

Wordpandit has a range of Vocabulary resources, and it can get a little confusing at times for you to decide which area you need to begin with. We have that covered for you with this section. You get your daily vocabulary dose, in the form of word-poster list and flashcards sets listed here for you. All you need is to learn these words on a daily basis, and you are surely going to no issue with CAT vocabulary.

5 words for today

Flashcard Sets For Today:

Letter D, Set-9(Level:Hard)
Letter D, Set-10(Level:Hard)
Letter D, Set-11(Level:Hard)

Make sure you learn words regularly and without fail!

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